
Advent Prayer to Jesus

Prayer & PrayersCatholic Prayers

Advent Prayer to Jesus

Enjoy the inspirational words to the Advent Prayer to Jesus. These online, free words can be printed and used to create a personalised Catholic Prayer book. Add to your collection of printable Catholic prayers which are suitable for different occasions. You will find the words provide comfort and are inspirational, spiritual and joyful.


Advent Prayer to Jesus

We hope that the following words will provide spiritual comfort and inspiration. Remember that these online, inspirational words can be printed and used to create a personalised Catholic Prayer Book.

Advent Prayer to Jesus

You are our eternal salvation,
The unfailing light of the world.
Light everlasting,
You are truly our redemption.
Grieving that the human race was perishing
through the tempter's power,
without leaving the heights
You came to the depths in your loving kindness.
Readily taking our humanity by Your gracious will,
You saved all earthly creatures, long since lost,
Restoring joy to the world.
Redeem our souls and bodies, O Christ,
and so possess us as Your shining dwellings.
By Your first coming, make us righteous;
At your second coming, set us free:
So that, when the world is filled with light
and you judge all things,
We may be clad in spotless robes
and follow in Your steps, O King,
Into the heavenly hall.


Advent Prayer to Jesus


Advent Prayer to Jesus


  • Prayers for Comfort
  • Prayers to the Virgin Mary
  • Intercessory Prayers
  • Free Online Resource
  • Pray for Serenity
  • Pray for Peace
  • Free Online Resource

Advent Prayer to Jesus - Catholic Prayers - Catholic - Printable - Daily - Serenity - Peace - Children - Family - Inspirational - Catholic - Spiritual - Roman Catholic - Joyful - Words - Comfort - Online - Roman - Pray - Praying - Worship - Blessings - Church - Holy - Bible - Catholic - Devotions - Faith - Roman Catholic - SaintsSpiritual Prayers - Strength - Prayer Power
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Advent Prayer to Jesus for Spiritual inspiration in healing anxiety and depression during times of trouble and celebrating joyful events in times of happiness.