Prayer for the Afflicted

Prayer & PrayersHealing Prayers

Prayer for the Afflicted

Find words of strength, comfort and support from the words to this Prayer for the Afflicted. We hope that these online, free words to this Prayer for the Afflicted are a source of inspiration in time of trouble and stress due to illness in the family or the sickness of friends. Harness prayer power with this Prayer for the Afflicted.


Prayer for the Afflicted
We hope that the following words of Prayer for the Afflicted will provide spiritual comfort and inspiration and allow you to harness the power of prayer.

Prayer for the Afflicted

Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep.
Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ.
Rest your weary ones.
Bless your dying ones.
Soothe your suffering ones.
Pity your afflicted ones.
Shield your joyous ones.
And for all your love's sake. Amen.

Prayer for the Afflicted

Healing Prayer Power - Prayer for the Afflicted
We hope that the spiritual, comforting and inspirational words of this Healing Prayer will give you strength in times of trouble. The online words to this Healing Prayer are suitable for different denominations including Christian, Jewish Catholic and Baptist. Choose from our spiritual Prayer Collection for illness and sickness including this Prayer for the Afflicted.

Away in a Manger carol lyrics and music

Prayer for the Afflicted


  • Inspirational Healing Prayer
  • Prayer for the Afflicted
  • Healing Prayer for the sick
  • Healing Prayer for Comfort
  • Spiritual Healing Prayers for illness and sickness
  • Spiritual Prayer for health and recovery
  • Free Online Resource of Prayer Power

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Prayer for the Afflicted for Spiritual inspiration in healing anxiety and depression during times of trouble and celebrating joyful events in times of happiness.