
Child's Prayer For the Pastor

Prayer & PrayersPrayers for Children

Child's Prayer For the Pastor

Enjoy the short, simple words to this Prayer, Child's Prayer For the Pastor, which is suitable for a child. These online, free simple words can be printed and used to create a personalised Child's Prayer book. The short, simple words of this child's prayer are inspirational, spiritual and joyful.


Child's Prayer For the Pastor

We hope that the following short, simple words to this child's prayer will provide parents with an online resource of children's prayers. Remember that these words can be printed and used to create a personalised Child's Prayer Book.

Child's Prayer For the Pastor

O almighty God, who by Thy Son Jesus Christ didst give to Thy holy apostles many excellent gifts and commandedst them faithfully to feed Thy flock, bless, we
beseech Thee, our pastor that he may diligently preach Thy holy Word, and grant
us grace to believe Thy saving Gospel and obediently to follow the teachings of
Thy Word, that we may receive the crown of everlasting glory; through Jesus
Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Child's Prayer For the Pastor

Away in a Manger carol lyrics and music

Child's Prayer For the Pastor


  • Simple Kids Prayer
  • Short
  • Daily
  • Simple
  • Prayer for a Child
  • Prayers for a Kid
  • Family
  • Short, Simple Prayers for Kids
  • Free Online Resource

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Child's Prayer For the Pastor for Spiritual inspiration in healing anxiety and depression during times of trouble and celebrating joyful events in times of happiness.