Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity

Prayer & PrayersPrayers for Strength

Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity

Find words of strength, comfort and support from the words to this Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity. We hope that these online, free words to this Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity are a source of inspiration, guidance and courage in time of trouble and stress to to help us to overcome personal weakness and pray for strength in others who are suffering due to natural disasters.


Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity
We hope that the following words of Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity will provide spiritual comfort, guidance, courage and inspiration and allow you to harness the power of prayer.


Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity

Gracious Father, keep within me that cheer and courage which never has a place for weary murmurings; and with peace make the hours of solitude profitable as they pass. Help me to seek those who are in need of sympathy and encouragement, that I may help them to have a tranquil life. Amen.

Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity

Power of Prayer - Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity
We hope that the spiritual, comforting and inspirational words of this Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity will help you gain guidance and courage in times of trouble. The online words to this Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity are suitable for different denominations including Christian, Protestant, Catholic and Baptist. Choose from our spiritual Prayer Collection for strength, including this Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity, to help with guidance and the courage to overcome personal weakness and pray for strength in others who are suffering due to natural disasters.

Away in a Manger carol lyrics and music

Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity

  • Short Inspirational Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity
  • Short Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity
  • Short Prayer for courage and guidance to overcome weakness
  • Short Prayer for Comfort and Courage
  • Short Spiritual Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity
  • Spiritual Prayer to overcome trouble
  • Free Online Resource of Prayer Power
  • Short Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity


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Prayer for Strength and Tranquillity for Spiritual inspiration, courage and strength for guidance during times of trouble