
Jesus, from Thy throne on high

Prayer & PrayersSimple Short Prayers

Jesus, from Thy throne on high

Enjoy the short, simple words to this Prayer, Jesus, from Thy throne on high, which is suitable as a daily prayer. These online, free simple words can be printed and used to create a personalised Daily Prayer book. The short, simple words of this prayer are inspirational, spiritual and joyful. Use these simple words in your short daily prayers


Jesus, from Thy throne on high

We hope that the following short, simple words to this daily prayer, Jesus, from Thy throne on high, will provide you with an online resource of short daily prayers prayers. Remember that these words can be printed and used to create a personalised Prayer Book.

Jesus, from Thy throne on high

Jesus, from Thy throne on high,
Far above the bright blue sky,
Look on us with loving eye;
Hear us, holy Jesus!

Be Thou with us every day,
In our work and in our play,
When we learn and when we pray;
Hear us, holy Jesus!

May we grow from day to day,
Glad to learn each holy way,
Ever ready to obey;
Hear us, holy Jesus!

May we ever try to be
From our sinful tempers free,
Pure and gentle, Lord, like Thee;
Hear us, holy Jesus!

Jesus, Son of God most high,
Who didst in the manger lie,
Who upon the cross didst die
Hear us, holy Jesus! Amen.

Jesus, from Thy throne on high

Away in a Manger carol lyrics and music

Jesus, from Thy throne on high


  • Jesus, from Thy throne on high Prayer
  • Online Prayer
  • Short Prayer
  • Daily, Morning & Evening
  • Simple Prayer
  • Short, Simple Daily Prayers
  • Free Online Prayer Resource
  • Short Morning & Evening Prayer

Simple Short Prayer - Printable - Morning - Evening - Daily - Serenity - Peace - Children - Family - Inspirational - Morning - Evening - Daily - Words - Online - Pray - Praying - Worship - Blessings - Church - Morning - Evening - Daily - Holy - Bible - Short - Simple - Simple Short Printable - Morning - Evening - Daily - Morning - Evening - Daily - Words - Comfort - Online - Pray - Praying - Worship - Morning - Evening - Daily - Holy - Bible - Short - Simple PrayerSpiritual Prayers - Strength - Prayer Power
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Jesus, from Thy throne on high for Spiritual inspiration in healing anxiety and depression during times of trouble and celebrating joyful events in times of happiness.