
On this Day of Thanksgiving Prayer

Prayer & PrayersThanksgiving Prayers

On this Day of Thanksgiving Prayer

Enjoy the words to the On this Day of Thanksgiving Prayer at this special time of the year. These online, free words can be printed and used to create a personalised Prayer book. Add to your collection of printable prayers which are suitable for different occasions. You will find the words help to remember the religious tradition of Thanksgiving.


On this Day of Thanksgiving Prayer

We hope that the following words will express gratitude to God for the things one has at the end of the harvest season. Remember that these short, simple, online words can be printed and used to create a personalised Prayer Book.

On this Day of Thanksgiving Prayer

On this Day of Thanksgiving, may God rest your heart and mind, may He bless and keep you and your family, and may He continue to extend His blessings upon our great nation, guiding us one and all by His Word. May He grant us patience and perseverance in the unexpected turns and tests of our age. May He impress upon us the spirit of our forefathers, their soul-deep craving for freedom, expressed with courage and wisdom, as we meet the particular challenges of our days.

And let us always approach our Heavenly Father with true thankfulness not just today, but every day not only in our triumphs, but also in our trials by acknowledging our utter dependence on Him to supply our wants and needs, for in Him we live and move and have our being. Even self-reliance is, at its root, reliance on Him.

On this Day of Thanksgiving Prayer

Thanksgiving commemorates a feast held in 1621 by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag. A short prayer, grace or blessing of thanks is given before the meal remembering that "their youngest son said grace". These Prayers express gratitude to God for the things one has at the end of the harvest season. Choose from our collection of Thanksgiving words and texts.

Away in a Manger carol lyrics and music

On this Day of Thanksgiving Prayer


  • Harvest Prayers & Poems
  • Prayers of Thanks
  • Grace
  • Blessings
  • On this Day of Thanksgiving Prayer
  • Prayers of Thanks
  • Family Prayers
  • Harvest Home Prayers
  • Online Resource of Prayers

On this Day of Thanksgiving Prayer - Prayers - Prayer of Thanks - Harvest - Grace - Dinner Prayers - Meal time Prayers- Blessings - Printable - Family - Poems - Harvest - Children - Family - Words - Comfort - Online - Pray - Praying - Worship - Blessings - Grace - Holy - Bible - Devotions - Faith - Prayer of Thanks - Prayers - Prayer of Thanks - Harvest - Grace - Dinner - Meal - Blessings - Printable - Family - Poems - Harvest PrayerSpiritual Prayers - Strength - Prayer Power
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On this Day of Thanksgiving Prayer for Spiritual inspiration in healing anxiety and depression during times of trouble and celebrating joyful events in times of happiness.